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Resource Management Plans
Project contact
Marissa Espino
Community Relations Officer
(714)560-5607 | mespino@octa.net
  • Preserve Management Requirements

    Resource Management Plans (RMP) are required in order to provide guidelines for the management and monitoring of the Orange County Transportation Authority’s seven Preserves in accordance with the goals and objectives of the Conservation Plan. More specifically, the RMPs provide guidance for the ongoing protection, preservation, and management of the natural resources found within the Preserve. Priority plant and animal species or “Covered” species are carefully monitored with the goal of ensuring the long-term health of populations. The RMPs also address the control of site-specific encroachments, fire protection issues and the accommodation of safe public access where and when appropriate. Designated roads and trails, and their uses, also are identified in each RMP.

    These documents are a result of years of assessment and collaboration with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (Wildlife Agencies). The RMPs will be reviewed at least every five years and updated as necessary to prioritize management actions based on the changing Preserve needs. At that time, the RMPs would be presented for public review and must be approved by the Wildlife Agencies.

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